
Promotional Product Case Studies - Guides for How to Best Utilize Ad Specialty Merchandise

Venturing into the world of ad specialties products can be a mysterious marketing endeavor for corporations and businesses unfamiliar with the wonderful benefits of promotional products. If you're new to using logoed products as an advertising strategy, IASpromotes.com is here to give you all the information you'll need to build a successful marketing campaign. Here, we've provided a number of case studies detailing the successful utilization of customized promotional merchandise from numerous past customers. Each company employed specialty items in unique ways, so no matter your corporate mission, you're sure to find a similar strategy on these pages.

Is your goal to incite interest in a new product? What about to tap a fresh market? There are plenty of case studies here showing how other companies have used promotional products to create excitement among new customers or for new products. Perhaps instead you are looking to thank customers, employees, or media personnel. There are a number of successful ways to utilize custom-printed items in order to convey your special message. No matter your target market, demographic, or clientele, we have a variety of examples for tailoring a campaign toward specific groups. And if you're simply looking for noticeable ways to keep your brand or logo in the public eye, we've provided a number of case studies that detail interesting strategies for maintaining media and customer notice.

Case Studies:

Many businesses make the mistake of believing that their product or concepts will sell themselves. Studies have proven over and over that no matter how great the brand, promotional merchandise will always increase interest, boost sales, and heighten customer loyalty. Because promotional products are not just about selling your latest innovation, they are about creating a relationship with your clients, employees, and community. Personalized items are unique in that they do not only advertise your brand, but they also build it.

The moments we choose to commemorate, the gifts we give, and the images we present to our market base, can do more to create a lasting positive impression than most other marketing strategies.

It's only natural that you may now be wondering, "what moments do I choose?" and "what images should I be presenting?" Considering the choices of other popular and profitable companies can be very helpful in developing your own promotional product strategy. We have examples of catering to children, developing an eco-friendly image, promoting at trade-shows, and creating a buzz in the media, just to name a few examples. We recommend that you proceed by glancing at a number of case studies and choosing the pieces that will fit your corporate initiative best. Following an example while also maintaining a fresh and unique promo strategy always has the most lasting and positive results.