
Case Study: Medical Practice Promotes "Being Healthy at Home" with Custom Branded Products

A doctors group wanted to simultaneously build knowledge in the community of common home ailments and how to easily treat them, as well as promote their group and increase their recognition specifically among families. The group had recently formed and wanted to use ad specialty items in order to build brand recognition and increase their clientele.

The group hosted a table at a community gathering and chose the theme "Be Healthy at Home". At the event they were offering free check-ups for children under 10 if an appointment was made at their table that day. With each scheduled appointment, they wanted to distribute a customized promotional item that would both serve families as well as providing the group with useful brand advertisement.

The group wanted a unique promotional item that would gain high notice; their logo imprinted on the item; and they wanted to spend around $20.00 per specialty item. They also wanted a custom-printed promotional product that would present them as both serious and professional.


Working with the promotional specialists at IASpromotes.com, the doctors group created a specialty miniature doctor's bag filled with various health and safety merchandise. These useful promotional items included a thermometer, bandages, antibacterial ointment, lip balm, sunscreen, a medical dropper, and a reflex hammer. The bag was designed in the style of a classic black leather doctor's bag, but was about an eighth of the standard size.

The doctor's bag was embossed with the group's logo and tagline on each side. Inside the bag, each item was printed with the name of the group, their phone number, and website. The entire package created a unique item that was sure to stand apart from any other promotional merchandise, and the high number of custom products inside the bag made the product very utile. The black leather and simple imprint created a professional appearance, and the many logoed products inside led to frequent and high-quality advertisement for the group.

Promo First Aid Kits


Through the community event, the doctors group filled two months of appointments for the free child's check-up. The group ordered 100 bags and all of them were distributed at the event. Throughout the next year, 62% of families who partook in the child's check-up scheduled an appointment for another family member. The doctors group opened with an impressive amount of clients, and continued to maintain a high number of appointments. They credit the promotional giveaways at the community event as an important factor in their impressive start.

More Information

For other great Health and Safety customized products and event ideas: First Aid, Health, and Safety Promotional Items
And for more medical related promotional strategies consider our Medical Advertising Merchandise

For specific Ad Specialty Items utilized in this case study, please visit Promotional First Aid Kits

We always encourage you to e-mail us with any questions or if you'd like advice for your next promotional event at: greatideas@IASpromotes.com