Keep your tables clean and your drink elevated with this Glass Coaster Set! No more do you have to worry about scratching the tabletop with glass mugs and cups - simply use this set to keep your surface protected with a design that makes it look clean without the unattractive look of napkins or other cardboard coasters. Make your company get to the bottom of things when you use one of our many imprinting methods (etching is included; Jet-Directt carries additional charges). Make this a gift to your clients so they know that when they serve, you protect!
Additional details and options:
- Imprint Size:3" H x 3" W - Deep Etch
- Ship Weight:21 lbs
- InMould
Price Includes: Prototype Design Sample is required
Price Includes: Prototype Design Sample is required with setup
Price Includes: per set
Price Includes: per change of copy
Deep Etch
Price Includes: Price includes etching on one coaster only per set. Additional charges apply for etching other coas
Price Includes: per change of copy
Price Includes: per set
Price Includes: per change of copy
- Additional Location
Price Includes: per set
Second Etch Location
Custom Glow® Color Choices
73-Pink, 75-Maroon, 76-Red, 79-Green, 81-Navy, 82-Black, 83-Yellow, 84-Reflex Blue, 85-Orange, 87-Process Blue, 88-Lime Green, 89-Purple
Custom Glow® Color Choices
Price Includes: per set
73-Pink, 75-Maroon, 76-Red, 79-Green, 81-Navy, 82-Black, 83-Yellow, 84-Reflex Blue, 85-Orange, 87-Process Blue, 88-Lime Green, 89-Purple