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Promote your Company with logoed Pocket Calendars

Recipients of these promotional pocket calendars will be able to keep track of every day while on the go. When you give custom pocket calendars out as trade show giveaways, they will be used immediately. Their convenient size allows them to slip into pocket and purses with ease. Wherever clients or colleagues are, your logo with be on display and will boost your brand awareness. With a helpful custom pocket calendar, daily tasks and important dates are never forgotten.

Promotional pocket calendars make cheap sales incentives, especially at the beginning of the year. Get your custom printed pocket calendar personalized with your company's name, logo and contact information.

Shop and customize our selection of promotional Pocket Calendars

Product Results for: CALENDARS, PLANNERS & JOURNALS > Pocket Calendars

63 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180