You can be a smooth operator at your next marketing or social event when your secure IDs, badges and more with these multi-colored lanyards. Made of super soft and smooth polyester with a satin feel, this 1" wide by 18" long strap has a loop design that's a great way to carry a cellphone, backstage pass or card with an assortment or available attachments. These lanyards are produced in over overseas factory and air shipped to your customers. Add your logo or message to customize.
Additional details and options:
- Imprint Size:16" W X 3/4" H
- Ship Weight:36 lbs
- Unimprinted
Full Color Dye Sublimation
Attachment Option
Breakaway Release, Buckle Release, Bulldog Clip, Cell Phone, Lobster Claw, Oval Metal Clip, Plastic J Hook, Split Ring, Swivel Clip
Quantity Options
Absolute Minimum