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Production Time: 5 business days - Make your next promotion a winner with this Barnacle coaster! It's made of reusable, durable silicone, measures 1" H x 3 1/4" D, comes in several fantastic colors, and is an attachable, mobile item that actually keeps you and your surfaces dry. One size fits most bottles, cups, and glasses. Just push in and twist your cup down to secure it in place, and empty any collected contents between each refill. This is perfect for offer at the next tradeshow. Add your company name or logo for maximum visibility. Get customers to see the value in your brand!

  • Material: Silicone
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 5 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Price Includes: One color one location imprint.


Need more? Enter your own quantity.

Production Time: 5 business Use color selection to view in other colors

Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 20025050010002500
Unit Price$3.37$3.27$3.17$3.08$2.99

Production Time: 5 business days - Barnacle coaster made of silicone where you push and twist your cup down to secure it in place. - H366

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1 3/8" w x 0.5" h
  • Ship Weight:30 lbs
  • Pad Print

    List Price$60

    Price Includes: Per location

    List Price$35

    List Price$32

    List Price$30

    Price Includes: Per location. (Valid for 2 years for exact repeat only)


  • Additional location

Exact Quantity Order

List Price$35

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