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Direct mail remains as impactful and effective to promoting your brand and message as ever before. Create a fresh new campaign with these cool and colorful postcards, each paired with a custom beverage coaster with your logo or message. These cards are 5" x 7" with available full-color printing on both sides, and ships in a 5.25" x 7.25" PVC pouch that's easy to distribute at an event, or as an individual mailer. Lucky for you! We've included a 3.75" x 3.75" 1/8 thick shamrock-shaped cork coaster. It's a great mailer for all things Irish - or St. Patrick's Day themed events.

  • Material:
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 5 business day(s)


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 2005001000
Unit Price$3.48$3.36$3.19

6" x 4" full-color direct mail postcard with 3" x 3.5" shamrock-shaped cork coaster. Ships in PVC pouch. - PC-PCC113

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:5"w x 7"h, 2.75" dia
  • Ship Weight:15 lbs, Addresses will be verified with postal service and any address that cannot be verified will be returned for correction. Unverified addresses returned for correction can delay production and shipping dates. Shipping Domestic Only.
  • Full Color Process

    List Price$100

    Direct Print

    List Price$100

  • Additional Colors

    List Price$0.25

    Price Includes: Per piece

    List Price$50

    2nd Color - Direct Print

    Additional Location

    2nd Location - Direct Print:

    List Price$0.25

    Price Includes: Per piece

    List Price$50

    2nd Location - Full Color Process:

    List Price$50