

Production Time: 3-5 business days - Tee off your next great marketing campaign with this all-purpose golf tool! Our handy key chain contains a ball marker, club, brush, divot tool, spike wrench, knife and pen. Basically, every golf tool needed in one handy item! It makes the perfect gift for Father's Day, executives and other fans of the game. Customize item with an imprint to hand out at your next event, and you'll be sure to hit a hole-in-one with all your clients!

  • Material:
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 3 business day(s)
  • Size:


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 100250500
Unit Price$7.56$7.11$6.66

Production Time: 3-5 business days - Customizable golf tool with ball marker, club, brush, divot tool, spike wrench, knife and pen. - GDR400-E

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1""w x 7/16""h
  • Ship Weight:28 lbs
  • Pad Print

    List Price$30

    List Price$50

    Price Includes: Per location.

  • Additional Location

    List Price$50

    Price Includes: Per location.

    Additional Location

    Same printed messages on all cards

    Same printed messages

Supplied Cards insertion options

Supplied cards insertion with different messages, Supplied cards insertion with same message

Mailers Available

Inserted into Bulk Mailers, Shipped Flat in Bulk