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Put more into your next promotion with this stand up mug drop bag with a bow. They come filled with these dark chocolate almonds for a colorful addition to any promotion. Imprint the label with your logo and choice of bow color. Every 3" x 9 1/2" pouch is sealed at both ends to ensure product freshness. The coffee cup is not included, but there are different fulfillment options available. Order now to fill your space with happy customers!

  • Material:
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 3 business day(s)
  • Size:


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 1002505001000
Unit Price$10.53$10.23$10.03$9.85

Dark Chocolate Almonds in Stand Up Mug Drop Bag with Bow - MD-DCA-E

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:2"" Round
  • Ship Weight:10 lbs
  • Digital Label

    List Price$50

    List Price$30

  • Same printed messages on all cards

    List Price$2

    Same printed messages on all cards

Bow colors

Black, Light Blue, Red, White

Supplied cards insertion options

Supplied cards insertion with different messages.:

List Price$2

Supplied cards insertion with same message:

List Price$0.1

Mailers available.

List Price$1.5

Inserted into bulk mailers, Shipped flat in bulk