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You know how plant pots aren't always the cutest? Easy fix! Drop that plan right into our Mary Jane. With a full-bleed imprint area and enough material to fold down based on the size of your plant, this little gal has it all.

No longer reserved for cool pants and old school blazers, Corduroy is in the house! The rich colors and beloved texture will bring a touch of nostalgia to your sales kit. Everything old is new again; go ahead, hop on this trend!

  • Material: Fabric
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 8 business day(s)
  • Size:


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Product Details:

  Continued - Plant pot cover made of 10 oz. corduroy that measures 17" x 5.5" x 6" - 5618-2-CR

  • Imprint Size:8.5" W x 3.5" H
  • Ship Weight:5 lbs
  • Imprint Method:

  • Additional Colors / Locations:
    Up to 3 spot colors on Corduroy

    Additional Imprint Location

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