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Be more fun with this FUN kit!
This kit includes: SPIRIT- A spacious drawstring backpack with zippered compartment for valuables.
1118RALLYTOWEL- 11" x 18" polyester towel that can bring excitement to any occasion.
PB24- 24 Oz polyclear water bottle features jewel tone, spill-resistant, and pop-top lid.
KWS- A popular style sunglasses.
FLAIR- 7" x 11" sticker sheet with 13 individual stickers in it that can help you to personalize your items.
Perfect for schools or offices outdoor events giveaway.

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  • Normal Production Time: 7 business day(s)
  • Price Includes: One color imprint


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Fun Kit.  Use color selection to view in other colors

Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 501002505001000
Unit Price$28.42$27.42$26.42$25.42$24.42
Sales Price $27.42$26.42$25.42$24.42$24.42

Product Details:

  Fun Kit. - #FUN

  • Imprint Size:SPIRIT: 7" H x 5" W, 1118RALLYTOWEL: 8" H x 16" W, PB24: Two-sided (standard) 3" H x 3" W, KWS: Right Temple (standard) 5/16" H x 2" W, Left Temple (optional) 5/16" H x 2" W, FLAIR: 11" L x 7" W
  • Ship Weight:
  • Imprint Method:

    List Price$50

    List Price$50

    List Price$25

    Full Color

    List Price$50

  • Additional Colors / Locations:

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