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Promote your Company with logoed Miniatures & Replicas

For a truly unique gift, our comprehensive collection of custom promotional miniatures and replicas has options for any organization's identity or event. Traditional custom awards as so passé when you can give beautiful personalized miniatures and replicas that directly represent either the recipient or the event. Surprise colleagues and clients by gifting them with a customized replica award to show appreciation for their work with your organization. Kids will delight in receiving custom miniature awards after competitions.

Our selection of promotional miniatures and replicas at IASpromotes.com will amaze you. Great as gifts or personalized awards, you can custom print a corporate logo, name or message on them. Recipients will display their custom awards proudly in a place of distinction so that everyone will see your logo.

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Product Results for: AWARDS & RECOGNITION > Miniatures & Replicas

78 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180