

Keep your balloons tied down or ready to hand out without the hassle of scissors and measuring with this 4ft pre-cut string. You'll never fall behind on your decorating duties or keep an eager child waiting again. Its neutral color and sturdy construction make it suitable for tying balloons, securing decorations, wrapping gifts, hanging ornaments, and many other creative projects. This is definitely an invaluable item to keep handy for any party or tradeshow where there are balloons. Order yours today to keep handy the next time your company hits the road or to just store in your office supply closet.

  • Material: Hemp
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 5 business day(s)
  • Size:


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Quantity 1
Unit Price$0.03

4 ft. of cut string for balloons. - 0CUT

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  • Imprint Size:
  • Ship Weight:3 lbs
  • Unimprinted

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List Price$30

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