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Promote your Business with logoed Recycled Chipboard items

Recycled chipboard, a type of paperboard made from paper stock, can be used as an earth friendly material in promotional items. Chipboard is sturdier than other types of recycled materials, like paper, so these products are found to be quite sustainable. With your custom logo printed on it, advertising specialty items like binders, journals, and more can transform into an environment friendly business gift or tradeshow giveaway.

When looking for ideas for your ad specialties promo, consider IASpromotes.com and its variety of promotional products made from recycled chipboard. Merchandise with your company's branding and an eco-friendly emphasis can be the best type of marketing promotion for your company.

Shop our Recycled Chipboard promotional products selection with confidence

Product Results for: ECO-FRIENDLY ITEMS > Recycled Chipboard

98 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180