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Promotional Product Ideas for Coffee Shops

Coffee shops take on a glorious position at the center of communities within small towns as well as portions of large cities. For the best shops, the task is so much more than simply serving coffee. The task is to create a vibrant, enjoyable, and thriving community. And the wonderful thing about communities is that they are always growing, always bringing in new people who were previously unaware of your communal space. Because of their expanding nature, communities rely on advertisement to grow. If you own or manage a coffee shop, think of customized promotional items more like invitations to your neighbors rather than corporate branding material. Each cup, each mug, each sleeve says "We'd love it if you'd stop in for a hot cup of coffee."

In the best communities, active members watch out for one another; they lend a helping hand when another is in need. Because so many people need coffee everyday, the coffee shop has the easiest time helping out its community members. You simply have to sell the product you set up to sell. However, coffee transactions are just too quick. Promotional products help your influence extend beyond your doors. When your customers are down the block, at the office, or back at home, your imprinted promotional products remind your customers that you're still there looking out for them. Your logoed products remind them that this is a symbiotic relationship.

Of course, owning a coffee shop, like any other business, is also about earning a living. Simply, you need to get people in the door so that they buy coffee. As in any other industry, promotional products are experts at getting people in through the door. Ad specialty items create brand recognition, attract attention to your shop, and build customer loyalty. Introducing your shop to potential customers, as well as keeping your business on current customers' minds, promotional items increase sales daily. These customized items help customers create daily habits. Becoming part of a customer's daily routine is of the utmost importance to coffee shops. Imprinted products encourage routines through brand repetition.

What customers drink out of while they are inside your shop is, of course, one of the most important branding opportunities for coffee shops. Compared with other drink-related shops, coffee shops have the good fortune to serve numerous types of beverages, each requiring its own style of cup. The imprinted coffee mug is the most popular coffee receptacle. However, just as important are the logoed espresso cups, as well as the customized latte mugs. Handing a customer a mug emblazoned with your logo and business name helps to reinforce brand recognition and create loyalty. We also highly recommend that for-here mugs are made available for sale to customers who would like to drink out of the same promotional mugs at their homes.

Promotional Coffee Mug Ad Specialty Espresso Cup Custom Imprinted Latte Mug

Also for sale should be branded to-go mugs. To-go mugs are environmentally friendly options for coffee consumption that encourage recycling, reducing, and reusing. From an advertising standpoint, silkscreened coffee tumblers guarantee that your logo and tagline receive daily exposure. For to-go orders, you'll also need custom-printed paper cups. If your to-go cups do not bear your logo and business name, you're missing out on an important advertising opportunity. And to further support eco-conscious choices, be sure to offer your customers the opportunity to purchase ad specialty reusable sleeves. These sleeves keep their hands cool wrapped around their coffee, but also advertise your brand all day long. With business imprinted to-go options, you never know what potential customers your logo may meet with on your customers' journeys through their days.

Imprinted Coffee Tumbler Imprinted To-Go Coffee Cup Customized Coffee Cup Sleeve

Many coffee shops feel that they struggle against people who could be customers but instead brew their coffee at their own homes each morning. With promotional products, even if these people do not buy coffee each day, they can still be customers of your coffee shop! Hand grinders actually grind coffee with incredible precision and uniformity, which is very important for brewing. This personalized hand grinder will surely impress your customers. And everyone needs to measure his or her coffee! Make sure that with this made in the USA coffee scoop, your customers think of your shop even when they are choosing to brew their own coffee that day. And for parties or a nice brunch, make sure your customers serve their coffee out of your laser-engraved coffee carafe. This carafe reminds them, and their guests, that they'd really probably rather be at your shop.

Customized Ad Specialty Hand Grinder Imprinted Custom Measuring Spoon Promo Ad Specialty Carafe

Coffee shops are as much about building community as they are about selling coffee. Customers aren't just customers. They are community members. Whether they buy coffee from your shop each morning, or they prefer to brew their own cup at home most mornings, they are your community members either way. Promotional products show how much your care for your customers, no matter what type of customer they are. Customized imprinted items also help introduce your shop to new potential customers. With imprinted cups and mugs, your logo meets more people daily than you ever could on your own. That's the power of promotional products for coffee shops!

If you have any questions or would like advice on your next coffee shop branding initiative, please call us at 1-800-780-1962 to speak with one of our promotional professionals.