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Remind everyone that it's time they connect with your company when you advertise on this Calendar Magnet! Made in the USA, this item is available in a wide variety of sizes to suit your individual needs. Simply add your company's name, logo and advertising message before protecting it with a 1 mil thick laminate to create a marketing tool that can be handed out at conventions, grand openings, expos and other promotional events. Additionally, it makes a great surprise for mail campaigns. Don't let them forget about your awesome services!

  • Material: Vinyl
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 999 business day(s)
  • Size:


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity Call for Pricing/Sample
Unit Priceand Order Information

Magnet that features a calendar and is available in multiple sizes. -

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:3.085" x 5.435", 3.875" x 3.375", 3.9" x 5.5", 3.71" x 6.47", 3.875" x 5.875", 5.625" x 5.625", 3.875" x 1.875", 8.375" x 3.375"
  • Ship Weight:
  • Full Color Digital Printing

    List Price$30.74

    List Price$30.74

    List Price$26.5

    List Price$26.5

  • Art Requirements

    Art takes more than 1/2 hr to open:

    List Price$84.8

    We have to generate acceptable artwork:

    List Price$42.4

    Options available

    Consecutive Numbering:

    List Price$0.11

    Imprint Note:

    List Price$26.5

    Variable Data:

    List Price$0.42

Clear Gloss Coat

List Price$0.05

Add extra protection to your magnet order with a clear gloss coat protectant.

Puzzle Cuts

List Price$0.09

Puzzle cuts available.

Thickness Option

20 mil:

1 - 3 Sq In, 3.1 - 5 Sq In, 5.1 - 7 Sq In, 7.1 - 9 Sq In, 9.1 - 11 Sq In, 11.1 - 13 Sq In, 13.1 - 15 Sq In, 15.1 - 17 Sq In, 17.1 - 19 Sq In, 19.1 - 21 Sq In, 21.1 - 23 Sq In, 23.1 - 25 Sq In, 25.1 - 27 Sq In, 27.1 - 29 Sq In, 29.1 - 31 Sq In

30 mil:

1 - 3 Sq In, 3.1 - 5 Sq In, 5.1 - 7 Sq In, 7.1 - 9 Sq In, 9.1 - 11 Sq In, 11.1 - 13 Sq In, 13.1 - 15 Sq In, 15.1 - 17 Sq In, 17.1 - 19 Sq In, 19.1 - 21 Sq In, 21.1 - 23 Sq In, 23.1 - 25 Sq In, 25.1 - 27 Sq In, 27.1 - 29 Sq In, 29.1 - 31 Sq In

Magnet choices

American Flag Calendar:


Football Schedule:

Popcorn Schedule:

Options available

Exact Quantity:

List Price$26.5

No Overs and No Unders:

List Price$7.5


List Price$0.1

Price Includes: per Square inch, per piece

Prop 65 label applied:

List Price$0.16