Maximize your promotional power when you choose to advertise on this Kappotto for 11 inch MacBook Air. With so many choices for customization, you're sure to get a great response from anyone who can get their hands on your amazing marketing tool. Made of high quality neoprene (wet suit material), the sleeve fits an 11" MacBook Air and similar-size notebook computers. You choose your material color and thread color from a lengthy list of possibilities and combinations. Free KolorStitch (color thread stitching) comes with 2nd column minimum order. Create yours now!
Additional details and options:
- Imprint Size:10.8" W x 5.5" H
- Ship Weight:9 lbs
- Spot Color
Price Includes: Imprint charge
- Additional Colors
Additional imprint colors or l:
For generic camo material:
Brown, Burgundy, Class Green, Cub Gray, Fluor Cerise, Neon Green, Neon Orange, Neon Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Royal Blue, Teal, White, Yellow