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Promote your Company with logoed Wipe Off Memo Boards

The best giveaway item is one that people can actually use – and reuse! That’s why customized wipe off memo boards are such fantastic promotional items. More popular than traditional blackboards, our custom printed promotional wipe off memo boards are a great way to take notes or use to draw diagrams on. Better yet, logo imprinted wipe off memo boards are completely reusable since you just wipe off the dry erase markers and start writing again. Personalized promotional wipe off memo boards are great for to do lists, grocery lists, and quickly jotting down important information. Everybody will love receiving your custom logo wipe off memo boards and will keep them on hand forever, since that’s as long as they last!

You can give away custom promotional wipe off memo boards at large corporate events, faculty or student meetings, or even at grocery stores. Here at IASpromotes.com, we are able to personalize these promotional wipe off memo boards with your organization’s name, corporate logo and even contact information in an attractive design that will appeal to everyone. Contact us today and wipe away your competition with logo imprinted wipe off memo boards!

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Product Results for: SCHOOL, EDUCATIONAL & LEARNING ACCESSORIES > Wipe Off Memo Boards

222 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180