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When its wine and cheese time, simply swivel open the tempered glass cheese plate to access the eco-friendly bamboo handled stainless steel tools resting securely in the bamboo bottom board in their custom slots. Once the party or meeting is over, twist the metal screw to remove the glass top to hand-wash and pat dry the cheese plate. Your message can be branded with silk-screening on the tempered glass, laser touch on the bamboo board and laser touched on the bamboo handles of the individual tools cheese spade, cheese fork, flat cheese knife bottle opener.

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  • Normal Production Time: business day(s)


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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 2550100150250
Unit Price$36.00$35.00$34.00$33.00$31.00

Product Details:

  When its wine and cheese time, simply swivel open the tempered glass cheese plate to access the eco-friendly bamboo handled st - EC133

  • Imprint Size:
  • Ship Weight:
  • Imprint Method:
    Laser Touch

    List Price$80

    Price Includes: Center Front Bottom of Case,Laser Touch

    List Price$80

    Price Includes: Centered on Accessories Handles,Laser Touch

    List Price$0.85

    Price Includes: Center Front Bottom of Case,Laser Touch

    List Price$3.2

    Price Includes: Centered on Accessories Handles,Laser Touch

    Silk Screened

    List Price$80

    Price Includes: Centered on Front,Silk Screened

  • Additional Colors / Locations:

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