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If you want to saddle up with an attention-grabbing giveaway for the next promotional campaign, this cowboy boot-shaped mint tin will do the trick! Available in several colors, this unique container comes packed with 72 small mints (approximately 0.56 oz.) and is small enough to fit in any pocket or purse. What an excellent giveaway for western-themed events, bars, restaurants and more! Customize with an imprint of your brand logo and freshen up your marketing efforts in no time!

  • Material: Tin
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 3 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Shape:


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 2505001000
Unit Price$3.43$3.27$3.17

Product Details:

  Exclusive cowboy boot designed tin that holds 72 small mints. -

  • Imprint Size:5/16"" x 5/16"", 2/14"" x 1/4""
  • Ship Weight:
  • Imprint Method:
    Pad Print

    List Price$50

    List Price$30

    Full Color

    List Price$50

    List Price$30

  • Additional Colors / Locations:
    Same printed messages on all cards available

    Same printed messages on all cards

    Additional Colors

    List Price$50

    Price Includes: Per color

    List Price$30

    Price Includes: Per color

    Additional Colors

Product Options:

Supplied cards insertion options

Supplied cards insertion with different messages., Supplied cards insertion with same message

Mailers available.

Inserted into bulk mailers, Shipped flat in bulk