Don't sweat the small stuff! Keep your ID badges or other identification information secure and close at hand with this convenient lanyard with 2 bulldog attachments. This lanyard measures 5/8" x 18" (+/- 5%), and is available in a wide selection of colors. Colorful and functional, these lanyards can also be personalized with custom text along both sides of the lanyard, so nobody will be able to miss out on your message. Low minimums.
Product Options:
Quick Release Lanyard Options
Snap on Buckle Style End - Back of Neck, Snap on Buckle Style End - Side Breakaway
Plastic Fittings Option
DPB1 - "O" Ring Detachable Base:
DPB2 - Combo Clip Detachable Base:
DPB4 - Bulldog Clip Detachable Base:
DPB5 - Snap Hook Detachable Base:
DPB6 - Spring Clip Detachable Base:
FPB1 - "O" Ring Fixed Base:
FPB2 - Combo Clip Fixed Base:
FPB4 - Bulldog Clip Fixed Base:
FPB5 - Snap Hook Fixed Base:
FPB6 - Spring Clip Fixed Base:
Length and Layers Option
15" Junior Length, Single Layer Woven
Add-On Attachments
68707-DKR Detachable Key Ring:
68707-GBH Gripper:
68707-NFB Non-Flip Bulldog:
68707-VBD Vinyl Bulldog:
68707-VSH Vinyl Swivel Hook:
Black Caribineer:
Lobster Claw:
Metal Crimp:
USB Flash Drive Cell Phone Holder: