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    Promote your Company with logoed Repair Kits

    For those times when you either don’t need to or don’t want to call the repair man, custom promotional repair kits are here to rescue you! Repair men are costly, show up late, and take forever to get the job done. If the repair job is easy enough, why not try to fix the problem yourself with the help of a personalized logo repair kit? Custom printed repair kits are a promotional item that people should have either at home or in their car in case of emergencies. Recipients will be incredibly grateful to have your customized repair kit, and will brag to everyone of their accomplishments thanks to your logo imprinted repair kit!

    Here at IASpromotes.com, our selection of custom promotional repair kits come stocked with every necessary item for quick repairs. Plus, their size means that you can easily imprint your company name, corporate logo, and even contact information like a website on them for clients and customers to clearly see. Contact our sales representatives today to find the best custom repair kit for your brand!

    Shop and customize our selection of promotional Repair Kits

    Product Results for: TOOLS, FLASHLIGHTS, KNIVES > Repair Kits

    1 Product Matches
    Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180