
Promote your Company with logoed Magnetic Memo Holders

The best giveaway item is one that will actually be used to recipients, and everyone uses customized logo magnetic memo pads to leave notes for themselves and others. The custom promotional magnetic memo holder is an easy way to never lose notes since they’re always stuck on a magnetic surface! Recipients will display their personalized magnetic memo holders in a prominent area, such as an office break room or home kitchen, and no one will forget about their memo notes!

These intelligently designed custom promotional magnetic memo holders are great items for both employees and customers. Give away customized logo magnetic memo holders at corporate events, staff meetings, local stores, and trade shows. Customers will start using your custom magnetic memo holders immediately, and your brand will receive tons of exposure just as quickly.

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Product Results for: MAGNETS > Magnetic Memo Holders

1 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180