Make sure your marketing message is delivered exactly how you want when you include this Mailbox Magnet in your next marketing campaign! Simply add your company's name, logo and advertising message before protecting it with a 1 mil thick laminate to promote a post office box company or delivery service. Made in the USA, the thin magnet measures 4" x 2.61" and is shaped like a mailbox. It's the perfect way to let everyone know that your company has what they need!
Product Options:
Add extra protection to your magnet order with a clear gloss coat protectant.
Add extra protection to your magnet order with a clear gloss coat protectant.
Thickness of magnets
15 mil, 20 mil, 30 mil, 45 mil
Protect your magnet with a protective 1 mil thickness laminate. Protective laminate will incur a charge for each square inch.
Protect your magnet with a protective 1 mil thickness laminate. Protective laminate will incur a charge for each square inch.
Puzzle cuts available.
Puzzle cuts available.
Options available
Exact Quantity:
No Overs and No Unders:
Price Includes: per Square inch, per piece
Prop 65 label applied: