Your Balanced Budget Workbook: A Monthly Planner for Living within Your Means. By Kimberly Palmer. Money makes the world go round, but it doesn't need to make you dizzy. It can seem impossible to juggle the array of financial factors you need to keep straight. Your Balanced Budget breaks it down and helps you make smart decisions. Monthly tables let you record and manage your expenses by category, and see the big-picture impact of day-to-day decisions. A rundown of essential money wisdom helps you figure out what you can afford, how to keep the (wolf) loan officer from the door, what you need to sock away in case of trouble, and what long-term goals to set once you're on your financial feet. Removable cover band. 48 pages. Flexicover with wire-o binding. Dimensions: 10 1/2"W x 7 1/4"H.