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Promote your Company with logoed Car Magnets

Promotional custom car magnets are a fantastic alternative to bumper stickers, and can be applied anywhere on a car without harm and are reusable. These promotional products are a perfect way to advertise your company's name and logo all over town and beyond. Let your clients and customers show their awareness and support with these great custom car magnets. Custom promotional logo car magnets are great for fundraisers, as trade show giveaways or even as thank you gifts.

Help clients personalize their cars by custom printing your own promotional magnet with your corporate logo. IASpromotes.com offers a huge selection of promotional car magnets, but if you need help finding the perfect one, our sales representatives will be happy to assist you!

Shop and customize our selection of promotional Car Magnets

Product Results for: AUTOMOTIVE > Car Magnets

3 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180