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Promote your Business with logoed Burlap items

Of course, burlap is used to make sacks and tote bags, but did you know that burlap can be used to make baseball hats, ghillie suits, and rifle rags as well? It is this creative combination of eco-friendly materials and innovative ideas for promotional merchandise that makes IASpromotes.com a unique company.

You can choose from many different recycled materials and ad specialties to find the right kinds of environment friendly promo items to represent your organization. Also, choose from burlap bags filled with nuts to use as your non-traditional specialty advertising items. A promotional burlap bag filled with salted pistachios or walnuts can be a warm, welcoming, and earth friendly promotional item, corporate gift, or tradeshow giveaway.

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Product Results for: ECO-FRIENDLY ITEMS > Burlap

1 Product Matches
Products per page:   12 | 48 | 60 | 180