Our triple-laminated Yupo covers use water-resistant and tear-resistant synthetic "paper" perfect for our disc-bound books. Sandwiched in-between the Yupo layers is a heavyweight paper of your color choice to give the edges of the cover a little pop of detail. The disc design lets you add or remove pages whenever you want, and you can even rearrange the discs for different color combinations to suit your mood, or your project. If you're looking for the ultimate custom notebook, the Disc-Bound Journal is a dream come true! Choose your disc colors, your cover color, and add your imprint. Cover: 6.25" W x 8.75" H / Guts: 5.75" W x 8.25" H.
Additional details and options:
- Imprint Size:6.25" W x 8.75" H
- Ship Weight:21 lbs
- 4 Color Process
- Imprint options
Tip-ins (up to four): Black & White:
Price Includes: per unique tip-in page.
Tip-ins (up to four): Color:
Price Includes: per unique tip-in page.
Your own page designs:
Price Includes: per unique page
Cover Lamination Colors
Albatross PMS 7545U, Atoll PMS 3145U, Azure PMS 2129U, Baltic Sea PMS 2142U, Basalt PMS 7547U, Berrylicious 2975U, Biscuit PMS 4685U, Blu Raspberry PMS 2225U, Bright White, Camel PMS 7502U, Cappuccino PMS 2321U, Carmine PMS 7421U, Chili Pepper PMS 1797U, China White, Cobblestone PMS 5305U, Coral PMS 1787U, Cotton Candy PMS 672U, Deep Black, Grape Jelly PMS 2075U, Grapesicle PMS 2635, Gray Fog PMS 649U, Guardsman Red PMS 200U, Holly PMS 627U, Indian Yellow PMS 740, Kiwi PMS 398U, Kraft, Lichen PMS 414U, Lipstick PMS 226U, Matcha Tea PMS 556U, Meadow PMS 378U, Navy Blue PMS 296U, Old Rose PMS 5015U, Orange Fizz PMS 715U, Orchid PMS 242U, Pastel Blue PMS 657U, Pastel Green PMS 642U, Pastel Pink PMS 705U, Pink Lemonade PMS 705U, Port Wine PMS 7645U, Prune PMS 276U, Pumpkin PMS 717U, Red Hot PMS 1935U, Rosebud 696U, Rosebud PMS 696U, Royal Blue PMS 288U, Sequoia PMS 7736U, Sno Cone PMS 7457U, Sombre Gray PMS 426U, Spearmint PMS 2253U, Steel PMS 5435U
Gut options
Blank guts:
Color guts: