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Make your business stand out from the crowd with this cold and flu deluxe kit! It comes in a small size and includes: 1 tissue pack, 1 disposable thermometer, 1 Blistex medicated lip ointment, 1 instant hand sanitizer, and 2 antimicrobial hand wipes. This comes in a stylish reusable zippered pouch with a carabiner clip. This is everything you need when you are feeling under the weather. Get more people to know about your brand!

  • Material: PVC Mesh
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 10 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Price Includes: One color imprint, one side, one location


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Cold and flu deluxe Use color selection to view in other colors

Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 502505007501000
Unit Price$6.50$6.30$6.10$5.90$5.70
Sales Price $6.30$6.10$5.90$5.70$5.70

Product Details:

  Cold and flu deluxe kit with tissues, a thermometer, lip balm, hand sanitizer, and hand wipes. - GBH21-FDP

  • Imprint Size:1 3/4" H x 3" W
  • Ship Weight:
  • Imprint Method:
    Screen Printed

    List Price$50

  • Additional Colors / Locations:
    Additional Colors

    List Price$50

    Price Includes: per color

    List Price$0.3

    Price Includes: per color


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