The name Jacob's Ladder comes from the bible when Jacob saw a staircase (or ladder) coming down from heaven. To create this optical illusion, hold the top block by the edges to produce a cascading action of blocks sliding down, while the top block remains. Quantity ordered must be in increments of 12 pcs.
Your Price
Please enter a valid quantity
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity |
192 | 288 | 576 | 1152 |
Unit Price | $2.55 | $2.50 | $2.45 | $2.40 |
Product Details:
Jacobs Ladder puzzle game; 2 3/8" x 2". - JLP23
- Imprint Size:1.63" W X 1.25" H
- Ship Weight:30 lbs
- Imprint
Price Includes: per color/location, plus run charges if applicable. (Art is kept on file for 3 yrs.)
- Additional Colors /
Additional Location
Price Includes: per location, plus run charges if applicable
Additional Location available
Ink Option
Price Includes: per change in ink color
Ink Color Change
Special Labeling
Creation Of Labels:
Price Includes: per piece/pack
Customer Provided Labels:
Price Includes: each piece/pack
Less Than Minimum Option
Less Than Minimum - Blank:
Price Includes: 12pcs min
Less Than Minimum - Imprint:
Price Includes: 12pcs min
Additional Colors
Additional Color
Product Options:
Promo Option
Price Includes: art must contain your company logo
Self Promos