Make a connection with your customers at marketing and social activities and events when you slip on these handsome lanyards. They're great for carrying keys, cellphone, IDs, badges, pit and backstage passes and other credentials for quick and easy inspection. These 3/8" x 18" accessories are made of polyester and come with your choice of attachments. These accessories are produced in our overseas factory and shipped to your customers. Select from a wide range of great colors and add your school, sports team, organizational or company logo or message through our silkscreen process to customize.
Additional details and options:
- Imprint Size:13" W x 1/4" H
- Ship Weight:24 lbs
- Silkscreen
Price Includes: Per color.
Price Includes: Per color.
Price Includes: Per color change.
- Additional Colors
Price Includes: Per color.
Additional Colors on 1st Side
Additional Location
Price Includes: Per color.
2nd Side
Quantity Options
Absolute Minimum:
Exact Quantity
Attachment Option
Breakaway Release, Buckle Release, Bulldog Clip, Cell Phone Holder, Lobster Claw, Oval Metal Clip, Plastic J Hook, Split Ring, Swivel Clip