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Whenever your clients lose keys or phones, this smart tag duo and your brand will be there! With the click of a button, an alarm will sound to help find lost phones or keys. They'll never worry again about being late or missing an event because they can't find one item or the other with this two pack. The white alarms will help keep things together and also act as a photo remote to avoid smudging their screen while trying to hit the shutter button. You can create this set using any combination of #SA02 and #SA03. All recipients need for the smart tag to work properly is a wireless enabled smartphone, the required App (Echo - Smart Way To Find), and you are good to go. Available in White only. Make a lot of noise about your amazing brand!

  • Material: Plastic
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 10 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Price Includes: Includes 1 color logo


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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 50100300
Unit Price$76.81$73.62$67.07

Four-pack of white alarms that help locate lost phones or keys with the click of a button. - SA40

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1 1/16 inch W x 45/64 inch H (SA03 Front), 9/16 inch x 5/16 inch (SA02 Front)
  • Ship Weight:20 lbs
  • Pad Print